The origin of man

The theories of the origin of man have for a long time caused great controversies in different fields, either science or at the level of the beliefs that human beings have been adopting over time. Below, you can read about the most accepted theories today.

Origin of man in religion

It is based on faith and is commonly called the creation theory. This enunciates that the origin of man was through the intervention of a God or gods, it depends a lot on religion. Whether it is polytheistic, where they believe in various divine beings, or monotheistic like the Christian.

Christianity and Islam

For the doctrine of Christianity, the origin of man is based on the fact that God created man from mud and porr woman by taking a rib that he extracted from the male side. On the contrary, in Islam man was born from the sperm with sight and hearing.

Darwinian Theory

Known as the theory of evolution, developed by Charles Darwin. It states that through time, the species of man evolved. Going even to propose a viable process of said modifications. This xxx hypothesis can be schematized in different ideas.

1. The main one is that the world is constantly changing.

2. All the existing species on the planet are not equal to each other.

3. Each population of the genera comes from a common ancestor.

4. Specimens that are related come from common ancestors, who are closer in the time line.

What this means is that evolution occurs in a progressive and divided way, in short, only the strongest or the individual who adapts faster to the environment survives. These individuals are the ones who gradually create new species.

Lamarck hypothesis

A hypothesis proposed approximately for the year 1809, by the naturalist and researcher of French origin, named Jean Baptiste Lamarck. Where he quotes that the origin of man is given by a series of events that would be:

1. The transformation of the environment creates new needs.

2. The needs determine what works and what does not of some organs.

3. These organs progressively increase or decrease.

4. It is then that man acquires the hereditary characteristics.

The theory of this French researcher is known for the famous phrase of the occupation creates the organ by making the established succession the change in the descendants. This means that the result of the origin of man is based on the thought of the evolution of monkeys.

Mendel’s Laws

One of the best known, together with the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin, is this hypothesis proposed by Gregor Mendel, approximately for the year 1865. This is established under the concepts of genetic inheritance, where the primary porno elements are the combination of genes and their dominant or recessive character.

origin of man

These works were presented by the Austrian friar in meetings with the Society of Natural History, in Brno, in the year mentioned above.

However, it was not until 1900 that it was reconsidered and taken into account for his later publications. Exactly 30 years passed for them to be studied and recognized.

The theories of the origin of man through time and from various cultures and civilizations have manifested themselves in different ways. Even wrapped in tones of mysticism and of course religious.

This is called anthropogony. However, these two manifestations that have been indicated by the scientific point of view, show that these explanations are not incompatible.

The different theories of the origin of the human being represent the bases of biology as a science. These theories have also allowed people to have certain ideas about what was the beginning of the human being on planet earth.

Although the absolute truth is not currently known, each of these theories has some validity.

Amps, Volts, Watts, Ohms What are they and how are they different?

Amps, volts, watts, ohms, are four quite important terms within the world of electronics. To begin to understand what they are, it must be known that in electricity 3 basic elements are handled, which are, voltage, current and resistance, which have a lot to do with the terms already mentioned.

Definition of ampere

Also called ampere, it can be defined as a unit that is responsible for measuring the level of intensity present in the electric current. It received its name in memory of the physicist Ampére.

This unit, as has been said, is responsible for measuring the constant intensity of the current that is maintained in 2 similar conductors and that are located at a distance of one meter.

It is considered as a basic module, in conjunction with units such as the meter for distances, the second for time and kilograms for weight. Furthermore, it can be said that its exact definition does not depend on the amount of electric charge.

Concept of volts

It is the unit of measurement of voltage. It owes its name to the chemist and physicist of Italian origin Alessandro Volta, who was the creator of the first chemical battery and the voltaic battery.

On the other hand, it could also be said that it is the discrepancy of the potential through a conductor. That is, from when the current of an ampere executes a watt of power. Or between the difference that exists between two points according to the work that is done.

Amps volts watts ohms

What are watts?

Like amps, volts, and ohms, watts are part of the International Systems unit for power.

It is normally used to weight the rate at which energy is transferred. It can be said then that this unit, its components and subcomponents can be applied to any power. Either at the level of electricity, mechanics, or any other.

The concept of this unit will depend largely on the equations that are applied in the basic units of the International System. As they can be in classical mechanics and electromagnetism.

Definition of ohms

It can be defined as the modulus from the electrical resistance according to the classification of the International System of Units. It owes its name to the physicist Georg Ohm, who was also the creator of Ohm’s Law.

This unit is the electrical resistance that is originated from 2 points of a conductor, which would be one volt.

In symbology, it is represented by the capital Greek letter omega. It can also be determined as the electrical resistance shown by a pilaster composed of mercury, which is about 107 centimeters high with a temperature that is leveled at zero degrees Celsius.

Ratio between amps, volts, watts, ohms

To understand the relationship of these four terms or their differences, it can be done with a simple example.

Start by imagining a water pipe, in which the voltage would be equal to the water pressure, the current, which is measured in amps, is equal to the flow rate. This would be the volume of water that passes through the duct.

The resistance, which is measured in ohms, is equivalent to the roughness of the duct, that is, the opposition due to friction by the water in the pipe.

According to its definition, it is that you can know that amps, volts, watts, ohms have a lot of relationship. As they are all part of the International System of Units, it could be said that they work in conjunction with each other.

Knowing the difference between these units is a fundamental part of understanding their individual functioning and, later, their dynamics as a whole.

Great exponents of astronomy and their contributions

great exponents of astronomy

Through time, in different cultures there has always been a curiosity about how events unfold in the heavens and in the universe. This is why there have been great exponents of astronomy, who have made significant contributions to this great science that investigates the phenomena that develop in the heavens.

Charles Messier

He was one of the great exponents of astronomy. With French origin, he devoted himself largely to the study of the orbits of comets.

Thanks to his tireless research, he gave rise to the discovery of other phenomena, thus revealing a very complete inventory of all these investigations. In it, various galaxies, planets and approximately thirteen comets were counted.


Besides being an astronomer, Ptolemy was a great chemist and geographer, as well as a great astrologer and mathematician.

Born in Alexandria, Egypt, around 100 AD. He had great contributions to this science, especially with his well-known Almagest, an inventory of stars. Also composed of tables to calculate the location of the planets, the sun and the moon.

Also for when the lunar and solar eclipses would occur. This writing was one of the most relevant during the 1500 years after his death. This calls him one of the great exponents of astronomy.

Tycho Brahe

He had a thought for the time that was considered unusual, as this researcher of Danish origin, mentioned that the original shape of the sky was like a dome. Brahe, was in charge of the study of hundreds of celestial bodies and the investigation of new nebulae for a long time at that time.

Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

Two great exponents of astronomy who had as their contribution the revelation of the microwave background radiation, as a consequence of a great explosion of the Big Bang. This research was so iconic that it won them a Nobel Prize in 1978.

Nicolaus Copernicus

Great astronomer who by his ideals had many problems against religion, because for his time, this was still the one that governed all branches of the teachings. And Copernicus was the first to raise the theory of heliocentrism, that is, he was the one who said that the planets revolved around the sun.

William Herschel

Important exponent of astronomy, with English origin. He focused his research on paired groups of stars that orbit with a common gravity.

Some eighty groups were counted in its inventory. He was the one who found the planet Uranus, 2 of its moons and also 2 moons of Saturn.

Johannes Kepler

His great contribution was the study of the movement of the planets, stating that the orbits were elliptical and not circular as believed. He supported the theory that Nicholas Copernicus planned and was the first to investigate what effect the moon has on the tides.

Edwin Hubble

It belongs to the great exponents of astronomy, thanks to the large number of discoveries that have its name. He dedicated his studies to other galaxies and universes that are far from the Milky Way.


He was the first to analyze the skies and make a record of his findings. His studies allowed us to better know the location of the moon and the sun and today many of his methods are used.

Galileo Galilei

Accused of a heretic by the church, he is one of the great exponents of astronomy and without a doubt the most famous.

He relied on the use of the telescope to carry out his research, where he defended the theory of heliocentrism, but with evidence, studying that Venus had phases, like the moon. In addition, he discovered 2 moons of Jupiter and the rings of the great Saturn.

It can be known for sure that there are many more scholars with great contributions to astronomy. However, the ones you have read are those who had the initiative of large studies, which today are the basis of current astronomy.

Cosmology and its most recent discoveries

Cosmology for many years has been a great focus of research and observation. Even since time immemorial by ancient populations that studied the lunar phases, stars, eclipses and other phenomena that take place in our immense universe.

Latest Discoveries

Through the ages, thanks to different investigations, different phenomena have been found in the cosmos that have been of great relevance in how the universe has been presented. Cosmology has a great meaning in sciences such as astronomy, physics, philosophy, religion and even esotericism. It has been used since approximately 1731.

Expansion of the universe

It is one of the most impressive discoveries in cosmology, made by the renowned American astronomer, Edwin Powell Hubble, for the year 1927. There he enunciated his well-known law, proving that the universe is expanding and that galaxies move apart with a speed convenient to the path in which it is located.

Island universes

Another discovery made by Powell Hubble, was that the light found in the vicinity of the Milky Way was not only nebulae. These are galaxies that he decided to call Island Universes. In addition, he denied that this Way was originated by this path of stars. It proved that its origin was caused by the bright star called Andromeda.

Gravitational waves

A subject that has caused much controversy in cosmology, until its existence was finally discovered recently. In addition to having a close relationship with the Big Bang theory, since after this the world developed in the following years. It also served as proof of the presence of other parallel cosmos, thanks to the space-time differences.

Dark energy

In cosmology, this research determined that, contrary to popular belief, the universe is expanding faster and faster. And this is a consequence of the dark energy that stimulates the universe. This study was made thanks to the observation of supernovae, since due to their great brightness, it was shown that this process occurred in reverse.

Dark matter

It was proved that, just as there is what we can observe, there is matter that is not visible, which was called dark matter. It is also known that it is composed of different elements that we know on earth.



Having been confused with stars, by 1963 quasars were discovered, being an important discovery in cosmology. Since these have great contributions to the study of the universe by circulating electromagnetic radiation.

Space is flat

Research carried out thanks to the Boomerang project, which measured the transformation in cosmic microwaves and which allowed the discovery of space, reaching the conclusion that it is flat. This study was the one that allowed to find the dark energy.

Temperature differences in the cosmic microwave background

Thanks to cosmology, it is known that the cosmic background is unstable, so it is known that the temperature in the tracks of matter is different.

Blackbody radiation

Researchers are convinced that radiation is a consequence of the Big Bang explosion. Fitting with the black body phenomenon.

Microwave background radiation

A study discovered by chance by two experts in cosmology, when in other casual studies they captured the static of the cosmos. This, thanks to the great explosion of the Big Bang.

Constantly showing that the cosmos lives in a transition and in expansion, thanks to the scientists who are dedicated to this field, they have been able to discover these curious anomalies that, despite the distance, are no longer so impossible to investigate.

Although the universe is still a largely unknown area for human beings, every day great scientists strive to study and understand the cosmos, seeking to expand the frontiers of the human race in the near future.